Since having our two little ones we seem to laugh a lot more! It helps that Lily and Eli have the best little giggles we have ever heard! We thought this blog would be a good way to keep up with all of the friends and family who don't get to hear their giggle on a regular basis! Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bye Bye Peanut Butter!

Monday, September 29, 2008
Too Cute To Resist!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Rock Climbing Mama!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What a Wonderful Day Off!
Alpacas (I think they are so cute)- and I think that Mom & Dad Cousins should reconsider raising them!:)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Fort Cousins!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Apple Picking!
Getting a few from Dad to take back to the bucket!
Finally we found a way to reach those perfect ones at the top!
On one of our days off this weekend (Yes, we got 2- it was amazing)- we went apple picking! After all the fruit picking we have done this summer this was by far the best family experience! Lily just loved the whole thing! She could have stayed out in the orchard all day picking up apples off the ground! She was even able to pick a few of her own (with our help and without) off of the trees. And she was a wonderful helper putting them in the pails for us. It was a beautiful day, she loved it, we loved it, and (unlike strawberry or raspberry picking) she didn't need a bath when she got home- perfect!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Where Are The Freshmen?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
To Paint or Not to Paint?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The First Win!

Monday, September 8, 2008
More Fun!
Here's another fun video! After the video I shot last week she discovered that it was even more fun to jump off the laundry basket! And yesterday she discovered that if she pushed the laundry basket right next to our giant foam bean bag that she could jump into it (or more like fall into it)! I couldn't resist- enjoy!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
For The Love of Peanut Butter!

Friday, September 5, 2008
Unstructured Play!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Welcome To This World Lacey May!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
To This I Aspire
by Janel Breitenstein
"Do you want a sippy cup?" "Do you need a ride?" "Do you need money?" "Need a hug?" "Want a cookie?" "Did you pack underwear?" "Did you brush?" "Did you flush?" "Did you wash your hands?" "Are you scared?" "Are you okay?"
Can you believe the amount of time, energy, and resources you spend looking after your kids' needs? I don't know if you worked outside the home before becoming a mom, but my 40 hours a week had nothing on motherhood. (If you want a laugh, I must recommend this MomSense clip.)
Actually, I remember being somewhat shocked when I first came home from the hospital with our oldest and tallied up my hours nursing—just nursing. That was 40 hours. Welcome to your new occupation, Janel. Moooo.
And even without leaning into consumerism (i.e. letting our child's desires dictate our actions), our sensors are constantly alert to their needs, physical and otherwise. With newborns, we learn a new form of half-sleep, listening for cries, popping out of bed like toast at 3 a.m. As they grow, we learn our babies' "languages" long before they can talk (Baby: "Mmmmfffsccchhhlp." Mommy: "Oh, you need a drink?"). Further down the road in their blossoming independence, we're detectives for every clue to their inner worlds.
But two authors, Voddie Baucham and Ginger Plowman (catch her on this week's FamilyLife Today broadcast!), have brought a Scripture into new light for me. Here's how Baucham put it:
I just tend to believe the Word when it says "all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness; that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work," which means there is nothing to which God will call my children for which the Word of God will not equip my children. So my job is to get as much of the Word into them as possible. That way, whatever it is that God intends for them to face, they'll have the tools necessary to overcome. (emphasis added)
You can probably see where I'm going here. If I want to meet my kids' needs, this is where I start.
God explained to His own kids (Israel) that meeting their needs with manna was to teach them that "man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD" (Deuteronomy 8:3). To meet our kids' needs, to give them something to live on, Scripture is as important as food—more so, I'd say, after watching Jesus' and Moses' examples of fasting 40 days. (Note: FamilyLife does not necessarily recommend feeding your kids only Scripture for 40 days.)
I've mentioned this verse before:
These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)
Throughout the day, in all of our activities, we equip our kids and meet their needs by helping them eat, sleep, and breathe Scripture—not in a "Say the Lord's Prayer or DROP AND GIMME 20!" manner but in a life-giving, this-is-the-life-and-language-of-our-house sort of way, that teaches our kids (and ourselves) how to apply Scripture in every moment:
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16)
This is "teaching a man how to fish" in the ultimate sense. I'm not just giving my kids' hearts something to snack on. I'm helping them find the spiritual fridge at any moment of the day.
Ginger had a super article (cut me to the heart) in The Family Room last month that touched on this, and she's written a really fantastic calendar-style resource, Wise Words for Moms, listing your child's behavior (alphabetically: "Aggravating, Bad Friendships, Blame Shifting ..."), heart-probing questions, the behavior to "put off" from Scripture and what to "put on" from Scripture, and then more verses. Phew. Wish I could mentally google that stuff when my children and I are respectively displaying our sinful natures.
Maybe as my kids and I "eat" more of the Word, I can.
Posted at 05:54 AM in All posts by Janel Breitenstein, Children - Preschoolers, General mothering, Resources, Spiritual life Permalink
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Monday, September 1, 2008
Our First Week of Trips
Well, our first week of trips is finished- Thankfully! As in all things in life there was good and bad in each trip, but overall the week, as crazy as it was, went pretty smoothly. So, for all of you that were praying- here's how they went:
Fraternity- Rafting: They had a whole boat of guys flip over at the biggest rapid on the river- that always makes for a fun and exciting trip! The response to the spiritual part of the program was pretty good. In fact, about 3 or 4 guys circled yes on the response card that they would like to get together with someone from Lifelines to talk more about having a relationship with God. In a culture that dislikes committment a good response is "maybe"- so when people circle "yes" that usually means that God is really doing something. To have that many guys from a fraternity circle yes is pretty amazing!
Husson Women's Soccer- Rafting: Logistically this trip wasn't so smooth- I believe that Joe called it a "train wreck." Nothing serious- just all those little things. But, God uses those train wrecks. And apparently He did here because there was a great response to the program. Looks like we got some Husson girls to follow up with!
U-Maine Freshmen Welcome- Of the 6 years I've been at this freshmen organizations fair this one was by far the worse. The freshmen arrived from another meeting really late- and so by the time they got there everyone was starving and thus far more interested in food than student organizations. As a result we had fewer students sign up for trips than usual. But we did have 50 sign up for rafting, 12 for paintball, 6 for climbing, and 20 generally interested in Lifelines. Given the circumstances not too bad.
Women's Ice Hockey Climbing- The whole program went really smoothly and the girls were really challenged. I heard them say that this was a day that they'll never forget (we like to hear that). The spiritual response was lower than we expected- but we have about 5 or 6 girls to follow up with (including 2 of the girls I was with most of the afternoon)- so I'm excited about that.
Husson Freshmen Challenge Course- Well, we were hoping for about 100 freshmen and we got 18. We were bummed. Apparently Husson didn't do such a good job advertising it. But we got 18 students and they had a great time, were really bonded after the program (one of our objectives) and were introduced to Campus Crusade for the first time.
So yeah, as you can see- good and bad. So, what I've been reminding myself is that we give God the glory when something really good happens- so I'm going to try to work on trusting that He was/is in control when the disappointing things happen too. God is good- all the time.
Up for this week: Friday is a welcome back BBQ for students in Crusade/Lifelines (pray that we'll meet some new students who want to get involved). Saturday is rafting with a fraternity- Sigma Chi. Sunday is the freshmen rafting trip. Right now we don't have enough guides to cover both rafting trips so please pray that works out! Another big week- we sure do appreciate your prayers!