Just two days after we returned from Florida we had Joe's sister, her husband, our two nephews, and our niece up to stay with us for the weekend!! This was actually their Christmas gift from us- specifically a trip to Hermon Mt. on Saturday so that Joe could teach them to ski! Unfortunately things didn't go quite as planned. Even though Joe called the day before and was told the ski hill would be open on Saturday- it was not (which they learned after driving all the way out there)! Everyone came home looking a little defeated. After lunch they tried to redeem the afternoon with a visit to the rock climbing gym at our YMCA- again I called to make sure it was open- but after completing only one climb they were booted due to a scheduled birthday party. They came home looking even more defeated. I believe my nephew Chandler said something about how the day would have been more fun if he had broke his leg. Merry Christmas!!
Things did get better with a fun Mexican dinner and a little candlepin bowling later in the evening (followed by a board game and dessert)- so the day wasn't a total loss. And actually I had a great time hanging out, just talking, all afternoon with my sister-in-law! Since it was just her, I, and Lily home it was fun to catch up- and she also got to hear Lily do a lot of talking (which she doesn't do quite as much when we are away from home)!
And Sunday seemed to redeem the whole weekend since the ski hill was open and everyone (except Lily and I who stayed home) had a great time! All 5 of them learned to ski and seemed really excited about it. Maybe we'll make this an annual tradition!
That does sound like such a fun time! Maybe one of these days when the girls are older, the whole family can do a ski trip! (although I've never skied before so I may just volunteer to take pictures or something! haha I'd probably break something if I attempted!)
No no, you would be fine! Marianne & Mike didn't know how to ski either and they learned- although Marianne did have an interesting experience (I'm sworn to secrecy- so you'll have to ask her yourself)!:)
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