We have a sick little baby boy on our hands. We've been in Florida for the last week for work- and we were staying in a large vacation house with all of the other members of our Lifelines national team. Our friends, Mark and Alicia, brought their little baby boy (just two days older than Eli) and while we were there he got really sick and tested positive for RSV. It was so sad to watch him be so sick. Well, now we are experiencing the same thing. We didn't have the boys together much so I hoped that maybe Eli might somehow stay healthy, but that's not how it's worked out. The last couple of days we were there Eli wasn't eating or sleeping very well, but the night before we left we could hear the congestion set in and we knew he was sick. Thankfully he still did okay on our flight to Wisconsin (we are here visiting my family)- but I can only guess that the flights made everything worse because almost as soon as we got to my parent's house Eli seemed to get much more sick very quickly. He barely ate or slept at all yesterday and he was congested and fussy. Last night he slept okay and ate a little better (but still woke up a number of times during the night). This morning you can hear the congestion in his chest even when he is breathing normal, he is coughing a lot, and now the runny nose and vomitting has set in as well. It's pretty much exactly what our friend's baby had (that we were staying with) so we are pretty much positive that he has RSV. My poor baby boy. Please pray that he would recover quickly without any complications. I am especially hoping that he is better (or mostly better by the time I fly home with the kids in 8 days). I am grateful that we are with my mom who is a nurse- that makes me feel a bit better. I'm sure he's going to be just fine, but there is just nothing more sad than a sick baby.
P.S. I have lots of pictures and stories to share from our trip to Florida- but because we don't have wireless internet at my parent's house and since Joe will be taking our computer home with him in a few days anyway (the kids and I will stay here for 6 days after he leaves)- it will be a while before I am able to post anything. I'll try to post an update on Eli in a few days, but you will have to wait for the Florida pictures for another week or two!