Monday, August 2, 2010

Can I Have a Push Please?

Lily got this really wonderful swing set for her birthday from us, my parents, and Joe's parents! What a wonderful thing it was for all of us to go in on one big thing together instead of lots of little things! And I just know that the whole family will enjoy it for many years to come.
Joe spent a couple of days working really hard to put it together (with a little help from a few friends and students) to get it ready in time for Lily's birthday party. In the end Lily was thrilled! Now I realize that I don't really have any pictures of the swing set itself, but I just couldn't resist these cute ones of Lily and Eli enjoying the swing set together. They both just love to swing and I just absolutely love to watch Lily giving Eli some little pushes (she really is such a good big sister)! Enjoy and maybe one of these days I'll get some pictures of the rest of the swing set too!

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