Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Giving Basket


More measuring!

Eli didn't want to be left out- though he really just wanted to eat the popcorn!

Our goodies made with real vanilla- brought home from Mexico from my mom. We can't get enough of this stuff!

Stirring. Don't worry we make sure she is being very careful and watch her constantly!

Bubbly carmel goodness!

Above: Baking
Below: She was so eager to share that I never actually got a picture of the basket full!

Throughout the Christmas season we have a number of things we try to do as a family to celebrate the birth of Christ and the real beauty of Christmas. As much as we enjoy the gift giving and receiving part of Christmas we thought it would be a great idea to emphasize the "giving" part for Lily (since she is more often on the receiving end). My friend Sarah shared in her blog about how she has a giving basket at their house with homemade goodies to give to friends and family who stop by. I loved that idea and decided to make it a new tradition for Lily (and Eli too in future years). Since Lily is old enough though I really made this HER giving basket. She helped me make lots and lots of delicious salted carmel corn. She helped me pop, measure, stir, and even bag all of them. We made an entire large basket full of carmel corn wrapped in adorable Christmas bags I got at Target. Then for the next week she was allowed and encouraged to give the bags away to ANYONE she wanted. It was all up to her. And oh my was she ever excited to give away her carmel corn. She brought it with her to give to friends and her teacher at gymnastics. She gave it to friends who came over. She delivered it to neighbors. And when we had a few bags left she happily shared it with her cousins on Christmas day. She loved giving and I loved giving her the opportunity. This will absolutely be something we do every Christmas. There is such beauty and joy in giving.

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