Thursday, March 17, 2011

Snow Pops 2011

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Some of you might remember that last winter I tried making Snow Pops (otherwise known as Cake Pops- otherwise known as delightful balls of cake and frosting dipped in chocolate)! You might also remember that I declared that I would likely not make them again for a long time.

Well, here I am eating my words (literally).

I caved it and made them again. Last time they didn't turn out all that well (they were tasty, but not all that pretty) and they took a ton of work. But then I began to remember how REALLY tasty they were and I stumbled across (quite by accident) two blog posts with tips about how to make them correctly. And so I thought I would try again.

This time I used a little less frosting, I make sure they were good and solid in the fridge/freezer before I dipped them, and I put my melted chocolate in a small mug (so that the balls of cake would nearly be covered with just one dip). And it worked!!! They still took a ton of work with LOTS of steps, but it worked!

Now, not everybody puts their cake pops on sticks, and that would certainly make it easier if I didn't, but somehow my children are enchanted by eating food off of a stick so it was worth the extra step or two. Speaking of which, once I started dipping the cake in chocolate (and it was turning out so well) I realized what a shame it would be to just lay them down on waxed paper (where they would become flat on one side). My husband heard my "plight", went down to the basement, did a little drilling, and made me my own cake pop stand (pictured above)! Now, if that isn't love I don't know what is! I didn't even ask for help and not once did my hubby question why he should spend his time making something so unnecessary just so I could have round snow pops. I love that man!

So in the end it took most of my free moments during the day (with a little extra time that Lily helped) but I had one beautiful batch of pink and turquoise snow pops! And then I promptly declared that it would probably be a very long time before I ever make them again. loving husband declared that they are now one of his very favorite desserts! How can I deny him? So, okay I give in- maybe they'll be a once a year special treat.

So stay tuned for next year...maybe we'll mix it up a little and do Halloween or Christmas cake pops!

P.S. Yesterday my snow pop picture was featured on the Creative Kristi blog- check it out at

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