Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Our Busy Little Bee

Checking Out Her Pumpkin

Lily and I right before Trick or Treating

What a cute little bumble bee!

We had such a fun Halloween this year! Right after the pumpkin carving (and a quick video call to my parents to show off our little bee) we headed into Bangor to visit our friends Steph and Ryan. They were married this summer so Lily was offically their first trick-or-treater ever! We visited with them for a bit and it wasn't long before Lily realized that she could easily take candy from their bowl and put it in her bag! How quickly they learn! After coming home we also visited our neighbors and took Lily for her first real trick-or-treating (just up and down our street). After each house Lily would say, "more"- apparently she caught on pretty quick! In fact all day today she kept pointing at the cabinet where I put some of her candy- and she would just say "more, more" over and over again. I think we have a candy lover on our hands!:) And the Halloween fun didn't end last night- we just got back from a Halloween party this evening- hosted by one of the moms in my Adventure Moms Group. There were about 50 people there (moms, dads, and kids)- so it was a bit crazy- but so fun to see all of the little ones dressed up! Unfortunately when we got home we realized that while we were out Indy had eaten all of our leftover candy (which was quite a bit) and most of Lily's candy- wrappers included. We aren't pleased. And we are a little concerned because it was a LOT of candy (and thus a lot of wrappers). We considered calling the vet (but we are going to wait it out and see what happens). I guess it was just too much temptation for him! Thankfully we did put all of the candy that my parents gave her in the cabinet (so she still has a little Halloween left to enjoy)! Hope that yours was fun too!

1 comment:

The Good Harvest Homestead said...

aww she's soo cute! What a great costume!

I can't believe Indy ate all that candy! That dog! haha I bet he had one awful belly ache! :)