Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Maze!

Yesterday we had a huge outreach on campus. The Maze (also known as Jim) is an illusionist from Texas. Last night he did his show on our campus (Campus Crusade brought him here). Jim went around campus all day performing tricks and inviting students to the show. And then that night after 514 seats were filled we had to turn people away! He did an absolutly incredible show that just blew the students away. I didn't get to see the show (had to stay home with the sleeping baby)- but I did see some of his tricks earlier in the day- and it's incredible- really hard to wrap your mind around. During the show he talked a lot about illusion, truth, reality, and deception- and related it all back to the Gospel in a way that students really related to. In the end we had 65 students last night pray to recieve Christ as their savior!! We realize that all of these may not be real sincere decisions, but I absolutly believe that some of them are. The comments on the response cards were incredible- it sure seems like he really reached the students and helped them see clearly who Jesus really is. Please pray with us that God might protect these new believers and guard their faith. Pray as well that all of them would desire to meet more with us so that we might help them learn to grow in their faith. And pray too for the other 250 students who filled our cards- many of them indicating that they want to talk with someone more about spiritual matters. God is good.

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