Monday, September 26, 2011

Baby Joy


A week ago we received the long awaited pathology reports from the baby. All of the results were consistent with what we already knew from my condition. And we learned that our baby was a girl. But to tell you the truth, I already knew that. I felt that she was a girl when she was still alive and then the afternoon after my surgery during a special time with God I KNEW that she was a girl.

Joe and I have named her Joy. God has been teaching me so much this year (even before we lost the baby) about true joy- specifically that joy can be found even through the hardest times when we put our hope in heaven and eternity. And I have such peace knowing that the first thing our little Joy knew was complete joy. Her name seems perfectly fitting.

And to my sweet little girl...I love you and I miss you so. My heart will forever feel the loss of this time with you. And yet I know that this life is but a blink in the light of eternity. I long for the day I will hold you and know you and I find such hope in knowing that one day we will be together worshiping our Lord for the rest of eternity. Until that day my little Joy you have a piece of my heart.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Oh Angie. I truly have no way to form words that would mean enough but just know that you held Joy inside you and when the time is right you will hold her in your arms. It is a beautiful name you've given her & a fitting one! Hugs to you and your family!