Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lily's 1st Day of School!!

1st Day of School
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1st Day of School5

Lily had her very first day ever of school today!!

She's in a pre-kindergarden afternoon class at the University where we work. We were thrilled a few weeks ago to find out that they had a spot for her (we were accepted to their preschool, but on a waiting list for pre-k)! We hear that this program is amazing and we are so excited for her to be going there.

If we stay in this area it's likely that we will homeschool our children, but we thought it would be really good for Lily to have this opportunity to "go to school" and expend some of her social energy (she's an extreme extrovert)!:)

Last week we went to Target and I let her pick out an outfit for her first day of school and this is what she choose (with just a little bit of guidance from me). She was so excited that she got dressed as soon as breakfast was over (even though school didn' t start until after lunch)!

When I dropped her off she was SOOO excited! Me? Well, I was near tears. They were mostly happy tears, but there is a little sadness as I realize that my baby is growing up!

She had a blast at school as we expected. When asked she told us that her favorite part of school was playing outside, that her second favorite was painting, and that her teachers haven't taught her anything yet!:)


Kaleb and Kristin said...

oh my gosh, she is ADORABLE!! great pics.

TheMuscatoHansens said...

She will LOVE Miss Melinda - what a blast! Best school experience ever :) I am homeschooling AnaSofia now and wishing for more schools like Merrill but happy we have so many options these days!