Sunday, November 21, 2010

Those Eyes

Above: Before
Below: After
So, I know it's been a while (or at least it's felt like a while for me) since I've posted anything. I have lots of pictures to share (including still most of my pictures of the kids in their costumes from Halloween)- but once again I'm having some issues. I still have all those pictures, but due to some software issues I'm having a hard time downloading them and editing them. I've ordered new software and in the meantime a friend is hopefully going to help me fix one of the other problems today. So, no new pictures today and you may be seeing our Halloween pictures around Christmas, but we'll get there eventually!
So right now I'm hanging out in the hallway of a conference center in upstate New York. We are at a work conference here, but at this moment neither Joe or I are actually at the meeting. I'm in the hall while Eli sleeps in our room and Joe is at the hospital with Lily who may possibly have broken her leg! I'll let you know more about that when we find out. So anyway, right now I'm out here by myself with some "free time" so I thought I would take advantage of it and learn a new photo editing skill. I've been itching to learn how to really make eyes "pop" in pictures and here is my first attempt! I love those sweet baby blue eyes anyway, but I love how this just gives them more sparkle!

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