Saturday, November 14, 2009

Leaves, Leaves, and More Leaves!

Chasing leaves through the air (above and below)!

We have leaves everywhere! Lily has had a blast playing in them (as you have seen in some other posts)! She even enjoyes "raking" them! Joe has raked the yard a number of times, but with a two year old who likes to rake them, run through them, jump in them, swing through them, hide in them, throw them, and chase them through the air- well, they simply don't stay in a neat pile for very long! Maybe Joe will be able to get them out of the yard before the snowflakes fly, but I'm not counting on it!:)

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Ah, but this is much more fun than having a tidy lawn, right?! She's adorable!