Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Not our best afternoon

Poor Eli (1 of 1)
This was the view in our home yesterday.  It was warm and sunny outside but our poor little Eli (in overalls and a sweatshirt) was so cold he wanted to be very bundled (in the new blanket that great grandma made for him).  He was actually rather feverish.  And he woke up with a rather red looking eye.  So on his 6th day of being sick off to the doctor we went yesterday and sure enough he was diagnosed with pink eye (in both eyes) AND was diagnosed with strep (that part we weren't expecting).  Ironically I was just joking with a friend yesterday afternoon that we must have gotten every illness going around except strep...guess I just should have kept quiet on that one!:)  And as if that weren't enough on our way home from the doctor Eli and I were in a car accident.  Thankfully nobody was hurt (other than a little shaken up) and there was no damage to the other car.  The hood of our van was a bit crumpled, but it looks like that's the only damage.  It was NOT our best afternoon.  It's the next day now and Eli is under quarantine at home for the whole day, but with some good medicine in his belly and in his eyes he should be feeling quite a bit better by tomorrow!  Please pray that Lily, Joe or I don't get either of these illnesses (they are both fairy contagious) and that we would be able to fix the van with as minimal cost as possible.  It's got to get better from here, right?:)

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