Friday, March 2, 2012

Valentines Day

As I mentioned in my last post, we decided to keep things pretty low key for Valentines Day.  Joe did get us all some heart shaped doughnuts (this man knows me well- doughnuts just might be the way to my heart)!  We were planning to make homemade heart shaped pizzas, but neither Joe or I were feeling great so I made something simple for the kids- and then we all ate cake for dinner.  Yes- cake- a very large, chocolate, heart shaped cake!  It was Valentines Day after all! And as you can see Eli had a great time helping me make the cake!:) Actually, I'm hoping to make a special cake every Valentines Day...just a simple way to remember Joy each year on that day.  And then we wrapped up the day making cards for the Love Fairy (who has been visiting here and there and leaving treats throughout the month).  Notice her new little house...she upgraded from last year's simple door!:)  And she left a note back that night!  It was a lovely, simple day and I am so thankful for that.
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P.S. The lollipops you see by the window in the cake pictures were Lily's valentines this year. They were lollipop butterflies and they were adorable! I meant to take some good pictures of them, but somehow never got around to it so these will have to do!

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