Sunday, September 6, 2009

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Okay, I admit it- I have no new pictures to share (as I've only taken pictures once in the last two weeks since spraining my ankle). What can I say, I can't get around very well and my camera is large. Maybe tomorrow....
In the meantime, I'm sitting here on this beautiful Sunday afternoon wishing that the NFL regular season started today instead of next week. Oh well- only one more week! Around this house we get pretty excited when football season rolls around. And I've already been going at it a bit with our neighbors- whom I happen to really like despite the fact that they are Vikings fans (and just recently signed Favre to their team). That whole Favre thing is just sad.
But...I was reading some of the NFL predictions today and...Sports Illustrated is predicting the Packers and the Patriots to go up against each other in the Superbowl this year! Okay, it's only a prediction (and many other people predict something different), but this is the match up I've been waiting for (and nearly got 2 years ago)! That would sure make things interesting around our house! Bring on the football- we're ready!


Cheryl said...

So, does this mean you own a cheese-head hat? :-) I wanna see a picture of that! But seriously, my BIL, SIL, neice and nephews (from Minnesota) are all rabid Vikings fans. They're nuts!

Angie Cousins said...

No, no cheese-head hat- though I would wear it proudly if I had one!:)

Lindsay said...

Angie- is it just me or...does that guy look a lot like Joe??
Hope you guys are hanging in there!

Angie Cousins said...

Yeah- maybe they do look a bit alike (at least with a helmet on). Too bad that Joe isn't the quarterback for the Packers!