Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rock Your Camera: Final Week!


Yesterday I turned in this picture- my final assignment for my photography class!!!

Finishing the class is a little bittersweet. I LOVED the class and learned even more than I was expecting. I loved getting and giving feedback on a regular basis and I loved being a part of a photography community that was all women (and mostly moms)! I loved and appreciated the challenges of my weekly assignments because it really pushed me and I think that's really the only way I am going to learn and get better! But, I have to say, all of this took work- and now that it's over I am looking forward to having a bit more of a break for a bit! I am already dreaming of taking my next class with this group, but since this one was a gift (thank you, thank you, thank you to my Mom and Dad) I may have to wait until Christmas or my next birthday!! But, I think I have enough practicing to do until then...

And if you are wondering... we took the kids camping this week (Eli's first camping trip) in Acadia National Park. There will be more pictures to come, but I just adore this one I took for my class. This was right before going home- the kids are on top of Cadillac Mountain overlooking the Atlantic and some of the beautiful islands. Who can resist a little brother/sister love is such an incredible setting?!:)

1 comment:

vmurillo said...

You are definitely rocking your camera! Great work!