Wednesday, January 28, 2009

In Motion!

Here is Lily "frozen" in motion as she "colors" my paper!

Lily just started playing with the fan (that we have blowing warm air from our wood stove)-They aren't perfect, but I love these shots!

I love this shot of the flames slowed down (I do, after all, have to photograph something other than Lily every now and then)!

Sliding to the floor!

In this picture I was trying to pan for the first time (which would blur the background and keep Lily, who was running with her Curious George monkey, in focus)- obviously that didn't work, but it turned out to be a really interesting picture!




And shaking her bear all around!
I had my second photography class last night...I'm still loving it!

Although I admit that I wish I were improving at a greater pace (I'm sure I have unrealistic expectations of myself)!:)

So, yesterday I began learning to really control the shutter on my camera- which is most important in pictures with motion. So, I'm learning to play around with motion- and what shows motion in pictures (sometimes freezing motion, sometimes allowing for blur, and sometimes something in between). So these are my first attempts today- they didn't all come out quite how I would have liked or planned- but hey, it's my first try!


funkyhammer said...

Keep up the good work. They are very cool pics! I could take a few lessons from you! ;-)

Jeff and Dana said...

Fun times, Angie. I think Bailey has the same curious george monkey...grandma got it for her for christmas.